Minggu, 11 Desember 2011
ABC Acai berry
cara cepat mndapatkan tbuh langsing..
ABC acai berry sdah trbkti khasiatnya,,
hub 085279368879 jika anda berminat..
Fatloss : Pelangsing tubuh yang manjur nih,,, boleh coba buat tmen2 yang mnat..
klo ada yg mnat hub gw ya...
klo ada yg mnat hub gw ya...
Selasa, 06 Desember 2011
Album baru DT
Jakarta– Gitaris yang juga merupakan pendiri band progressive metal Dream Theater, John Petrucci, baru saja mengumumkan judul bagi album terbaru serta daftar lagu yang akan terdapat di dalam album tersebut melalui akunFacebook. “Hai, semua. Ini resmi. Judul album baru DT adalah A Dramatic Turn of Events,” tulis Petrucci.
Senin, 21 November 2011
Tentang Personil DT neh
James Labrie
Kevin James LaBrie lahir di Penetanguishene, Sebuah kota kecil di Kanada pada tanggal 5 Mei 1963. Sejak kecil, saat James berumur 3 tahun, dia sering mendengarkan radio dan menyayikan lagu apapun yang terdengar dari radio tersebut. Diinspirasikan oleh ayahnya, dia kemudian mulai bernyanyi dan bermain drum pada awalnya saat berusia 5 tahun. Dan pada saat berusia 10 tahun, dia berkuartet dengan ayahnya dan paman juga adiknya bernyanyi di barber shop.
Sebelum muda, dia sudah menyukai musik rock. Saat berusia 14 tahun, dia telah bermain di berbagai band sebagai vokalis dan drummer. Tetapi, James lebih memilih bernyanyi ketimbang bermain drum. Saat dia berusia 18 tahun, dia memutuskan pindah ke Kanada.
Saat berusia 21 tahun, James berlatih vokal pada Rosemary Patricia Burns. Setelah banyak bergabung dengan beberapa band di Kanada, James kemudian menjadi vokalis pada band Winter's Rose, dimana juga bergabung dengan Atlantic Records, label Dream Theater saat itu. Lalu Pierre Paradis yang mengatur band Voi Vod, menawarkan solo project pada James di Aquarius Records. Kemudian dia memberitahu James bahwa ada nama band New York bernama Dream Theater melakukan audisi untuk mencari vokalis, kemudian James mengikutinnya dan diterima. Itulah sejarah LaBrie bergabung dengan Dream Theater pada 1992, dimana album pertama LaBrie bersama Dream theater ialahImages and Words.
Sampai saat ini, Labrie telah banyak menciptakan lagu untuk Dream Theater seperti Anna Lee (Falling Into Infinity), Vacant (Train Of Thought), Blind Faith (Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence), Sacrificed Sons (Octavarium), dan Prophets of War (Systematic Chaos).
Dan menetap di Toronto, Kanada bersama istrinya Karen, dan kedua anaknya Chloe dan Chance Abraham LaBrie.
John Petrucci
John Petrucci (lahir pada tanggal 12 Juli, 1967), adalah gitaris Amerika yang dikenal sebagai anggota pembentuk grup progresif metal Dream Theater. Dia juga seorang produser(bersama teman satu bandnya Mike Portnoy) dari semua album Dream Theater sejak rilis album Scenes From A Memory, pada tahun 1999.
Petrucci besar di Long Island, tepatnya Kings parkdimana Petrucci bersamaJohn Myung dan Kevin Moore sekolah di tempat yang sama. Petrucci bermain gitar pertama kali pada saat berumur 8 tahun. Dan mulai bermain dengan sebuah band pada umur 12 tahun. Band dan gitaris yang mempengaruhi permainan gitarnya adalah Yngwie Malmsteen, Randy Rhoads, Iron Maiden, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Yes, Rush dsb. Karena saat itu sedang berkembang irama metal dan trash, Petrucci menambahkan pengaruhnya pada musik Metallica dan Queensryche.
Petrucci besar di Long Island, tepatnya Kings parkdimana Petrucci bersamaJohn Myung dan Kevin Moore sekolah di tempat yang sama. Petrucci bermain gitar pertama kali pada saat berumur 8 tahun. Dan mulai bermain dengan sebuah band pada umur 12 tahun. Band dan gitaris yang mempengaruhi permainan gitarnya adalah Yngwie Malmsteen, Randy Rhoads, Iron Maiden, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Yes, Rush dsb. Karena saat itu sedang berkembang irama metal dan trash, Petrucci menambahkan pengaruhnya pada musik Metallica dan Queensryche.
Here is a list and some photos of the gear John is currently using for touring.
1 Musicman JP BFR Rubyburst Baritone
1 Musicman JP BFR Walnutburst Baritone
1 Musicman JP BFR Walnutburst 7 String
1 Musicman JP BFR Blackburst 7 String
1 Musicman JP BFR Tobaccoburst
1 Musicman JP BFR 2006 Ltd. Edition Black w/Gold Hardware
2 Musicman JP BFR Blackburst
1 Musicman JP BFR Walnutburst
1 Musicman JP BFR Rubyburst
1 Musicman JP Blue Sparkle Doubleneck
Amps and Effects
Rack Designed, Built and Programmed by Mark Snyder
2 Mesa Boogie Mark IV Amplifiers
1 Mesa Boogie Lonestar Amplifier
1 Korg DTR-1 Tuner
1 Dunlop DCR-2SR Wah
1 DBX 266XL Compressor/Noise Gate
1 Mesa Boogie Amp Switcher
1 Boss Keeley mod TR-2 Tremolo Pedal
1 MXR EVH Flanger
1 Ibanez Keeley mod Tube Screamer TS-9 Flexi
1 MXR EVH Phase 90
1 Hermida Tech Zendrive
1 Dunlop Wylde Overdrive
1 MXR Stereo Chorus
1 Boss DS-1
1 Eventide Timefactor Delay
1 T.C. Electronics 2290
1 T.C. Electronics M3000
1 Eventide DSP7000
1 DMC Stereo Line Mixer
1 Mesa Boogie Rectifier Power Amp
1 Furman AC Line Regulator AR-Pro
3 Axess Electronics CFX-4 Loop Switcher
2 Axess Electronics GRX-4 Loop Switcher
2 Voodoo Labs Pedal Power
1 Framptone A/B Box
1 Radial Engineering JD-1 Passive D.I. Box
1 Axess Electronics FX-1 Midi Foot Controller w/ expander
1 Dunlop DCR-IFC Wah Controller
1 Ernieball 25k Stereo Volume Pedal
1 Boss TU-2 Tuner
1 Easy Button
6 Mesa Boogie Traditional Rectifier 4X12 Cabinets with Celestion Vintage 30 speakers
DiMarzio D-Sonic (Bridge)
DiMarzio Custom JP (Neck)
Ernie Ball
Jim Dunlop JP Shield Black Jazz III
Cables and Connectors
Guitar Straps
DiMarzio Black Cliplock
In Ear Monitors
Ultimate Ears UE-5
John Myung
Nama Lengkap : John Ro Myung
Website Resmi : http://www.johnmyung.com/
Group Band Sebelumnya : Majesty
Gitar Bass : RBX-JM 6 string (senar) signature bass, Yamaha
Tempat Lahir : Illinois, Chicago 24 Januari 1967
Pengaruh : Chris Squire, Steve Harris (Iron Maiden), Rush’s Geddy Lee
Zodiac : Cancer
Tempat Tinggal : Long Island, New York
ntu identitasnya.,
ni q kasi dikit profilnya...
Sejak zaman 1980-an (saat berdirinya Dream Theater), John Myung yang orangtuanya berasal dari Korea ini beserta dua personil lainnya telah membantu Dream Theater melewati saat-saat kritis dan masa jatuh bangunnya.Sebagai seorang pendengar antusias musik klasik, dia memilih biola semenjak masih berumur lima tahun. Hingga saat menginjak usia belasan tahun, John Myung memutuskan untuk memilih gitar bass sebagai instrumen favoritnya.Ketika belajar di sekolah musik Berklee - Boston pada tahun 1986, Myung berjumpa dengan dua teman satu sekolahnya, gitaris John Petrucci dan drummer Mike Portnoy. Dengan ditambah seorang pemain keyboard dan seorang vokalis, akhirnya mereka membentuk sebuah grup band Majesty.Pada tahun berikutnya mereka mendapatkan tawaran rekaman. Tetapi grup band Majesty ini ternyata hanya berumur pendek dikarenakan sebuah konflik dengan grup band di Las Vegas yang memiliki nama yang sama. Akhirnya mereka sepakat untuk merubah nama grup bandnya menjadi Dream Teater, diambil dari nama sebuah bioskop di California.Myung, Petrucci dan Portnoy hingga detik ini masih merupakan anggota tetap Dream Theater, dan sepanjang sejarah Dream Theater telah terjadi beberapa kali bongkar-pasang vokalis dan keyboardis.Myung agaknya telah menjadi anggota Dream Theater yang paling misterius. Dia jarang terlihat berkomentar tentang dirinya ataupun menonjolkan dirinya sendiri dalam video klip dan konser-konser Dream Theater. Fakta ini membuat banyak penggemar bertanya-tanya apakah seseorang dari mereka pernah melihatnya berbicara.Pada kenyataannya Myung telah berbicara dalam video tutorialnya, juga saat jumpa penggemar dalam pertunjukan-pertunjukan live show Dream Theater. Bahkan jika ditanya tentang topik yang tepat -seperti memainkan tekhnik-tekhnik bas, dia akan berbicara untuk jangka waktu yang panjang.Kepribadian misteriusnya lebih terasa saat pertunjukan Dream Theater di Jerman. Secara tiba-tiba Myung mendatangi James LaBrie seraya men-tekel-nya gaya American football. Baik hadirin maupun personil band lainnya banyak yang kebingungan dan keheranan. Kejadian ini kelak dikenal sebagai "gasakan Myung".Diluar tindakan itu, Myung terkenal dengan prinsip disiplin berlatihnya yang tinggi. Baik Kevin Shirley pada "Metropolis 2000: Scenes From New York DVD" maupun mantan keyboardis Dream Theater Derek Sherinian dalam situs pribadinya menyatakan bahwa John Myung sejauh yang mereka tahu adalah satu-satunya musisi yang melakukan 'warming-down' setelah pertunjukan live show. Dalam sebuah postingan forum, John Petrucci berkata bahwa ketika dulu masih di Berklee, dia dan Myung mempunyai kesepakatan untuk berlatih sedikitnya enam jam sehari.Di antara waktu senggangnya, Myung merupakan salah seorang anggota utama grup band Platypus sejak 1998, bersama dengan Ty Tabor (King’s X) , Derek Sherinian (eks keyboardis Dream Theater) dan Dixie Dregs drummer Rod Morgenstein. Platypus sejauh ini telah merilis tiga album, dan album terakhirnya adalah "The Jelly Jam". Myung juga memiliki sebuah video tutorial "Progressive Bass Concepts", dirilis tahun 1996.
Website Resmi : http://www.johnmyung.com/
Group Band Sebelumnya : Majesty
Gitar Bass : RBX-JM 6 string (senar) signature bass, Yamaha
Tempat Lahir : Illinois, Chicago 24 Januari 1967
Pengaruh : Chris Squire, Steve Harris (Iron Maiden), Rush’s Geddy Lee
Zodiac : Cancer
Tempat Tinggal : Long Island, New York
ntu identitasnya.,
ni q kasi dikit profilnya...
Sejak zaman 1980-an (saat berdirinya Dream Theater), John Myung yang orangtuanya berasal dari Korea ini beserta dua personil lainnya telah membantu Dream Theater melewati saat-saat kritis dan masa jatuh bangunnya.Sebagai seorang pendengar antusias musik klasik, dia memilih biola semenjak masih berumur lima tahun. Hingga saat menginjak usia belasan tahun, John Myung memutuskan untuk memilih gitar bass sebagai instrumen favoritnya.Ketika belajar di sekolah musik Berklee - Boston pada tahun 1986, Myung berjumpa dengan dua teman satu sekolahnya, gitaris John Petrucci dan drummer Mike Portnoy. Dengan ditambah seorang pemain keyboard dan seorang vokalis, akhirnya mereka membentuk sebuah grup band Majesty.Pada tahun berikutnya mereka mendapatkan tawaran rekaman. Tetapi grup band Majesty ini ternyata hanya berumur pendek dikarenakan sebuah konflik dengan grup band di Las Vegas yang memiliki nama yang sama. Akhirnya mereka sepakat untuk merubah nama grup bandnya menjadi Dream Teater, diambil dari nama sebuah bioskop di California.Myung, Petrucci dan Portnoy hingga detik ini masih merupakan anggota tetap Dream Theater, dan sepanjang sejarah Dream Theater telah terjadi beberapa kali bongkar-pasang vokalis dan keyboardis.Myung agaknya telah menjadi anggota Dream Theater yang paling misterius. Dia jarang terlihat berkomentar tentang dirinya ataupun menonjolkan dirinya sendiri dalam video klip dan konser-konser Dream Theater. Fakta ini membuat banyak penggemar bertanya-tanya apakah seseorang dari mereka pernah melihatnya berbicara.Pada kenyataannya Myung telah berbicara dalam video tutorialnya, juga saat jumpa penggemar dalam pertunjukan-pertunjukan live show Dream Theater. Bahkan jika ditanya tentang topik yang tepat -seperti memainkan tekhnik-tekhnik bas, dia akan berbicara untuk jangka waktu yang panjang.Kepribadian misteriusnya lebih terasa saat pertunjukan Dream Theater di Jerman. Secara tiba-tiba Myung mendatangi James LaBrie seraya men-tekel-nya gaya American football. Baik hadirin maupun personil band lainnya banyak yang kebingungan dan keheranan. Kejadian ini kelak dikenal sebagai "gasakan Myung".Diluar tindakan itu, Myung terkenal dengan prinsip disiplin berlatihnya yang tinggi. Baik Kevin Shirley pada "Metropolis 2000: Scenes From New York DVD" maupun mantan keyboardis Dream Theater Derek Sherinian dalam situs pribadinya menyatakan bahwa John Myung sejauh yang mereka tahu adalah satu-satunya musisi yang melakukan 'warming-down' setelah pertunjukan live show. Dalam sebuah postingan forum, John Petrucci berkata bahwa ketika dulu masih di Berklee, dia dan Myung mempunyai kesepakatan untuk berlatih sedikitnya enam jam sehari.Di antara waktu senggangnya, Myung merupakan salah seorang anggota utama grup band Platypus sejak 1998, bersama dengan Ty Tabor (King’s X) , Derek Sherinian (eks keyboardis Dream Theater) dan Dixie Dregs drummer Rod Morgenstein. Platypus sejauh ini telah merilis tiga album, dan album terakhirnya adalah "The Jelly Jam". Myung juga memiliki sebuah video tutorial "Progressive Bass Concepts", dirilis tahun 1996.
Jordan Rudess
Jordan Rudess (lahir dengan nama Jordan Rudes pada 4 November 1956) adalah pemain keyboard band progresif rock Dream Theater.Dia masuk Dream Theater menggantikan Derek Sherinian.Hal ini dimulai saat Mike Portnoy memutuskan untuk membentuk supergroup dengan Magna Carta Records.Rudess terpilih untuk mengisi bagian keyboardist dalam band yang terdiri dari Tony Levin, Mike Portnoy, dan John Petrucci ini.Selama rekaman 2 album Liquid Tension Experiment ini meyakinkan Portnoy dan Petrucci bahwa Rudess adalah keyboardist yang cocok untuk Dream Theater.Dan akhirnya mereka memutuskan mengajak Rudess untuk menggantikan Derek Sherinian yang telah bersolo karir.
Mike Portnoy
Nama lengkap : Michael Stephen Portnoy
Tanggal lahir : 20 April 1967
Tinggal : New York
Drum : Tama Starclassic drums, Melody Master Snares, Sabian and Sabian Max Cymbals, Remo heads, Iron Cobra Pedals, Pro-Mark 420 Drumsticks and Latin Percussion
Hoby : Boxing
Zodiac : Aries
Influence : Neil Peart and the late Frank Zappa. Other favorites include drummers Terry Bozzio, Vinnie Colaiuta, Simon Philips, John Bonham and Keith Moon and bands such as The Beatles, Queen, Yes, Metallica, Jellyfish, Iron Maiden, U2 and Jane's Addiction.
Mike Portnoy lahir pada 20 april 1967 dan tinggal di Long Beach, New York, dia tertarik pada music sejak usianya masih kecil.
Dia mulai bermain band sebagai drum di local band Intruder, Rising Power dan Inner Sanctum. setelah merilis album dia meninggalkan bandnya dan berkonsentrasi sekolah musik di Berklee Music College di Boston yang pada akhirnya membentuk Dream Theater bersama Myung dan Petrucci.
Mike lihai merangkai lirik. Ini terbukti dengan adanya relasi pada beberapa album. Lagu-lagu tersebut The Glass Prison dari album Six Degress Of Inner Turbulance, This Dying Soul dari album Train Of Thought, The Root Of All Evil dari album Octavarium, Repentance dari album Systematic Chaos dan yang terakhir The Shattered Fortress dari Black Cloud And Silver Linings.
lagu2 tersebut menunjukkan 12 poin - poin di program Alcoholics Anonymous oleh Bill Wilson, yang mana program itu diikuti oleh Mike Portnoy.
Kelihaiannya menggebuk drum juga membuat lagu2 Dream Theater makin hidup.
Tanggal lahir : 20 April 1967
Tinggal : New York
Drum : Tama Starclassic drums, Melody Master Snares, Sabian and Sabian Max Cymbals, Remo heads, Iron Cobra Pedals, Pro-Mark 420 Drumsticks and Latin Percussion
Hoby : Boxing
Zodiac : Aries
Influence : Neil Peart and the late Frank Zappa. Other favorites include drummers Terry Bozzio, Vinnie Colaiuta, Simon Philips, John Bonham and Keith Moon and bands such as The Beatles, Queen, Yes, Metallica, Jellyfish, Iron Maiden, U2 and Jane's Addiction.
Mike Portnoy lahir pada 20 april 1967 dan tinggal di Long Beach, New York, dia tertarik pada music sejak usianya masih kecil.
Dia mulai bermain band sebagai drum di local band Intruder, Rising Power dan Inner Sanctum. setelah merilis album dia meninggalkan bandnya dan berkonsentrasi sekolah musik di Berklee Music College di Boston yang pada akhirnya membentuk Dream Theater bersama Myung dan Petrucci.
Mike lihai merangkai lirik. Ini terbukti dengan adanya relasi pada beberapa album. Lagu-lagu tersebut The Glass Prison dari album Six Degress Of Inner Turbulance, This Dying Soul dari album Train Of Thought, The Root Of All Evil dari album Octavarium, Repentance dari album Systematic Chaos dan yang terakhir The Shattered Fortress dari Black Cloud And Silver Linings.
lagu2 tersebut menunjukkan 12 poin - poin di program Alcoholics Anonymous oleh Bill Wilson, yang mana program itu diikuti oleh Mike Portnoy.
Kelihaiannya menggebuk drum juga membuat lagu2 Dream Theater makin hidup.
1986 - 1990
Founding members John Myung, Mike Portnoy and John Petrucci in 1986Dream Theater was formed in 1986 by guitarist John Petrucci, bassist John Myung and drummer Mike Portnoy while studying at the Berklee College of Music in Boston. Kevin Moore, a high school band-mate of Petrucci's, was recruited to play keyboards and Chris Collins was enlisted as vocalist.
The quintet settled on the name Majesty for their newly-formed group (a name inspired by Portnoy's description of the closing section of "Bastille Day" by Rush), and the three Berklee attendees dropped out to concentrate on the band.
In November 1986, after a few months of writing and performing together, Chris Collins left the band because of creative differences with the other members. After a year of trying to find a replacement, Charlie Dominici, who was far older and more experienced than anyone else in the band, successfully auditioned for the group. With the stability that Dominici's appointment brought to Majesty, they began playing more shows in and around the New York City area, and gained a considerable amount of exposure for a band that had not yet released an album.
Their first major recording project was The Majesty Demos, a collection of ideas and demos that were released in 1987. The initial run of 1,000 sold out within six months, and dubbed copies of the cassette spread like wildfire through the progressive metal scene all over the world.
Shortly after the release of the demos, they were forced to change their name when another band named Majesty threatened legal action. Various names were trialled until Portnoy's father suggested the name Dream Theater, which was subsequently settled upon.
They signed their first record contract, with Mechanic (a division of MCA), in 1988 and set out to record their debut album.
When Dream and Day Unite was released in 1989 to far less fanfare than was anticipated. Mechanic ended up breaking the majority of the financial promises they had made to the band prior to signing their contract, so they were restricted to playing around NYC. The promotional tour for the album consisted of just five concerts, all of which were in New York or Rhode Island.
After the fourth of these gigs, Dominici was fired because of personal and creative differences between him and the rest of the band. Shortly after, however, Marillion asked Dream Theater to open for them at a gig at the Ritz in New York, so Dominici was given the opportunity to perform one last time. It would be a further two years before Dream Theater had another full-time singer.
1991 - 1994
Following Dominici's firing, Dream Theater fought successfully to be released from their contract with Mechanic, and set about auditioning singers and writing material for their next album. In the time until they had secured a replacement vocalist, they wrote the majority of the music for what would become their second album, Images and Words.
In their search for a new singer they auditioned over 200 people, among them former Fates Warning frontman John Arch, but all were turned down for various reasons. In 1991 a tape arrived from Canadian singer James LaBrie, who was immediately flown to New York for a proper audition. After a short jam session he was hired as full-time singer.
For the next few months, the band resumed gigging, and worked on vocal parts for all the music that they had written to that point. ATCO Records (now EastWest) signed Dream Theater to a seven album contract on the strength of their reputation and a three song demo (later made available as "The ATCO Demos" through the Dream Theater fan club).
The cover of Dream Theater's Images and Words albumThe first album to be released under their new record contract was Images and Words in 1992. The song "Pull Me Under" gained a lot of radio airplay, and as a result the label commissioned a video clip for its promotion, which had high MTV rotation.
The success of "Pull Me Under", combined with relentless touring throughout the U.S. and Japan, caused Images and Words to achieve gold record certification in the States and platinum in Japan. A tour of Europe followed in 1993, which included a show at London's famed Marquee jazz club. That show was recorded and released as Live at the Marquee, Dream Theater's first official live album. Additionally, a video compilation of their Japanese concerts (mixed in with some documentary-style footage of the off-stage portion of the tour) was released as Images and Words: Live in Tokyo.
Keen to work on fresh material, Dream Theater retreated to the studio in May 1994. The 1994 sessions were the first in which Dream Theater as a whole wrote music together that was specifically for an album.
Awake, Dream Theater's third studio album, was released in October 1994 in a hail of controversy among established fans. Shortly before the album was mixed, Moore announced to the rest of the band that he wished to concentrate on his own musical interests and would be quitting Dream Theater. This rocked a band that had enjoyed just two years of stability after a tumultuous first half-decade, but Moore was no longer interested in the life of a touring musician nor the brand of progressive metal Dream Theater performed, so the two parties went their separate ways.
As a result of that news, the band had to scramble to find a replacement keyboardist instead of jumping head-first into touring mode.
Jordan Rudess, an up-and-coming keyboardist who was relatively unknown to that point, was invited to play a trial performance with Dream Theater in the hopes that he would join the band. The gig went well, but Rudess decided to join The Dixie Dregs as a touring member instead of Dream Theater, and Derek Sherinian was brought on as a hired-gun instead. By the conclusion of the Awake promotional tour, Sherinian was Dream Theater's full-time keyboardist.
1995 - 1998
After a petition from fans to EastWest Records, the group recorded their previously unreleased song "A Change of Seasons" and distributed it as an EP with a collection of live cover tracks. After a short run of small "one-off" concerts to promote the EP, Dream Theater entered the studio once more to write their next album.
In all, almost two CDs worth of material was written including a 20 minute long follow-up to the Images and Words song "Metropolis Part 1: The Miracle and the Sleeper". The label, however, did not allow the release of a double album because they felt that a 140-minute record would not be digestible by the general public, so half the songs had to be cut.
In addition to, and as a function of, pressuring the band into adopting a more mainstream sound, EastWest recruited writer/producer Desmond Child to work with Petrucci on re-writing the lyrics to his demo "You Or Me". The whole band substantially reworked the music to that song, and it appeared on the album as "You Not Me" in a form that was barely reminiscent of the original.
The material that made it onto the album proper was released as Falling Into Infinity, which received a mixed reception from traditional Dream Theater fans. Despite the album containing some very progressive-sounding songs, tracks like "Hollow Years" and "You Not Me" prompted some to believe it was the dawn of a new, mainstream-sounding Dream Theater, just as the release of Empire had previously heralded the same shift for Queensrÿche. The album was both a critical and commercial disappointment.
In recent years, the album has been rehabilitated to an extent, and interest was rekindled when Portnoy indicated that the unused songs - including more traditionally progressive cuts such as "Raise the Knife" - would be released through Portnoy's YtseJam Records.
During the European leg of the Falling Into Infinity world tour, two shows were recorded for a live album entitled Once In A LIVEtime, in France and The Netherlands. The album was released at around the same time as the video 5 Years in a LIVEtime, which chronicled the time from when Kevin Moore left the band right up to the Falling Into Infinity promotional tour.
In 1997, Magna Carta Records' Mike Varney invited Portnoy to assemble a progressive 'supergroup' to work on an album, which would become the first in a long string of side-projects for the members of Dream Theater. The lineup that was eventually settled on consisted of Portnoy on drums, Petrucci on guitar, Tony Levin of King Crimson on bass, and Jordan Rudess, who had finished with the Dixie Dregs by that time, on keyboards. The band assumed the name Liquid Tension Experiment, and would act as a medium through which Portnoy and Petrucci could once again court Rudess to join them in Dream Theater. They extended an invitation for him to join them in 1999, and he accepted the offer to become the third full-time Dream Theater keyboardist. Unfortunately for Sherinian, this meant that he was out of a job.
1999 onward
The cover of Metropolis, Pt. 2: Scenes From A MemoryArmed with yet another new member, Dream Theater entered BearTracks Studio once again to write and record their next album. Perhaps as a response to the backlash over Falling Into Infinity, this time their record label gave the band complete freedom with their music. The follow-up to "Metropolis Part 1" off Images and Words, which was written during the Falling Into Infinity sessions (but not used on that album), was taken off the shelf as the first composition for them to work on.
They decided to expand the 20-minute song into a complete concept album, with the story revolving around themes such as reincarnation, murder and betrayal. To avoid stirring up the fan base, a tight veil of secrecy enveloped the writing and recording process. The only things fans knew prior to its release were a tracklist that had been leaked against the band's wishes, and a release date. They knew nothing of the title, the music, or even the fact that it would be a concept album.
In 1999, Metropolis, Pt. 2: Scenes From a Memory was released to high critical acclaim. It was hailed as Dream Theater's masterpiece by many fans and critics alike, despite only reaching #73 on the charts.
A massive world tour followed, taking over a year to complete and visiting more countries than they had ever toured before.
For one extra special show, at the Roseland Ballroom in New York City, actors were hired to play characters in the story, and a gospel choir was enlisted to perform in some sections of the show. One actor played the part of the hypnotherapist, and gospel singer Theresa Thomason sang the part of the female main character, Victoria.
This show, the last North American date of the tour, was recorded for the band's first DVD release. After many technical delays, Dream Theater fans finally got their hands on the DVD, entitled Metropolis 2000, in early 2001. Shortly after its release, the band announced that an audio version of the concert, with the entire four-hour long setlist (most of which had to be cut from the DVD to save space), would be released shortly thereafter.
The covers of Live at the Marquee and Live Scenes From New York, notice the silhouette of the World Trade Center within the flames on the rightThe cover for the CD version of the concert, titled Live Scenes From New York, showed one of Dream Theater's early logos (the Images And Words-era burning heart, modelled on the Sacred Heart) modified to show an apple (as in Big Apple) instead of the heart, and the New York skyline, including the twin towers of the World Trade Center, in the flame above it. In an unfortunate coincidence, the album was released on the same date as the September 11, 2001 attacks on the U.S. The album was immediately recalled, but many copies were snapped up by Dream Theater collectors as a very rare piece of Dream Theater's history. It was re-released with revised artwork a short time later.
Dream Theater once again entered BearTracks Studios to record their sixth studio album. Four years after they first petitioned EastWest to allow them to release a double album, they finally got their chance with Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence. The first disc consisted of five tracks of 5-13 minutes in length, and the second disc was devoted entirely to the 42-minute title track, which is to date the longest song Dream Theater have written.
Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence ended up being received very well by critics and the press. It was the most publicized of Dream Theater's albums since Awake, debuting on the Billboard charts at #46 and the Billboard Internet charts at #1.
Throughout the next year and a half they toured the world once more, with an expanded live show including a select few special "album cover" gigs, in which they played Metallica's Master of Puppets and Iron Maiden's The Number of the Beast in their entirety.
At the completion of their promotional tour and a short break, Dream Theater entered the studio to write and record what would become Train of Thought, their heaviest album to that point. The album was a critical success, but it had a polarizing effect, alienating a fair proportion of Dream Theater's fans who enjoyed the traditional progressive rock influence from bands such as Yes or King Crimson more than Dream Theater's modern muses like Tool and Metallica. Regardless, it expanded the band's fan base into new territory, that of mainstream heavy metal and nu-metal.
Their next move was to release another live CD/DVD combination, this time recorded at the famous Nippon Budokan Hall in Tokyo, Japan on their Train of Thought world tour. Live at Budokan was released on 5 October 2004, and further propelled Dream Theater's reputation as one of the premier live acts in progressive metal.
Upon the completion of their Train of Thought promotional tour, Dream Theater entered the Hit Factory studios in NYC to record their eighth album. As it turned out, they would be the last group ever to record in that famous studio, and after they wrapped up their final session, the lights were turned off at the studio forever.
The new album, Octavarium, was released on 7 June 2005 and took the band's sound in yet another new direction. Among its 8 songs is a continuation of Portnoy's Alcoholics Anonymous suite (steps 6-7 in the 12-step plan), and an epic rivalling A Change of Seasons and covering several musical styles in its 24-minute running time. The album has caused much controversy among fans, some thinking that the band wore its influences too prominently on their sleeves, eg. Never Enough has been compared to Muse's Stockholm Syndrome, and the relatively radio-friendly I Walk Beside You to the trademark sound of U2 blended with Chicago's Peter Cetera. The album is the last under their seven album deal with Elektra Records. Their plans for the future are currently unknown, although it likely includes slapping together a few sophomoric rifts in a three week period -- the same amount of time the band states they spent writing "Train of Thought."
Founding members John Myung, Mike Portnoy and John Petrucci in 1986Dream Theater was formed in 1986 by guitarist John Petrucci, bassist John Myung and drummer Mike Portnoy while studying at the Berklee College of Music in Boston. Kevin Moore, a high school band-mate of Petrucci's, was recruited to play keyboards and Chris Collins was enlisted as vocalist.
The quintet settled on the name Majesty for their newly-formed group (a name inspired by Portnoy's description of the closing section of "Bastille Day" by Rush), and the three Berklee attendees dropped out to concentrate on the band.
In November 1986, after a few months of writing and performing together, Chris Collins left the band because of creative differences with the other members. After a year of trying to find a replacement, Charlie Dominici, who was far older and more experienced than anyone else in the band, successfully auditioned for the group. With the stability that Dominici's appointment brought to Majesty, they began playing more shows in and around the New York City area, and gained a considerable amount of exposure for a band that had not yet released an album.
Their first major recording project was The Majesty Demos, a collection of ideas and demos that were released in 1987. The initial run of 1,000 sold out within six months, and dubbed copies of the cassette spread like wildfire through the progressive metal scene all over the world.
Shortly after the release of the demos, they were forced to change their name when another band named Majesty threatened legal action. Various names were trialled until Portnoy's father suggested the name Dream Theater, which was subsequently settled upon.
They signed their first record contract, with Mechanic (a division of MCA), in 1988 and set out to record their debut album.
When Dream and Day Unite was released in 1989 to far less fanfare than was anticipated. Mechanic ended up breaking the majority of the financial promises they had made to the band prior to signing their contract, so they were restricted to playing around NYC. The promotional tour for the album consisted of just five concerts, all of which were in New York or Rhode Island.
After the fourth of these gigs, Dominici was fired because of personal and creative differences between him and the rest of the band. Shortly after, however, Marillion asked Dream Theater to open for them at a gig at the Ritz in New York, so Dominici was given the opportunity to perform one last time. It would be a further two years before Dream Theater had another full-time singer.
1991 - 1994
Following Dominici's firing, Dream Theater fought successfully to be released from their contract with Mechanic, and set about auditioning singers and writing material for their next album. In the time until they had secured a replacement vocalist, they wrote the majority of the music for what would become their second album, Images and Words.
In their search for a new singer they auditioned over 200 people, among them former Fates Warning frontman John Arch, but all were turned down for various reasons. In 1991 a tape arrived from Canadian singer James LaBrie, who was immediately flown to New York for a proper audition. After a short jam session he was hired as full-time singer.
For the next few months, the band resumed gigging, and worked on vocal parts for all the music that they had written to that point. ATCO Records (now EastWest) signed Dream Theater to a seven album contract on the strength of their reputation and a three song demo (later made available as "The ATCO Demos" through the Dream Theater fan club).
The cover of Dream Theater's Images and Words albumThe first album to be released under their new record contract was Images and Words in 1992. The song "Pull Me Under" gained a lot of radio airplay, and as a result the label commissioned a video clip for its promotion, which had high MTV rotation.
The success of "Pull Me Under", combined with relentless touring throughout the U.S. and Japan, caused Images and Words to achieve gold record certification in the States and platinum in Japan. A tour of Europe followed in 1993, which included a show at London's famed Marquee jazz club. That show was recorded and released as Live at the Marquee, Dream Theater's first official live album. Additionally, a video compilation of their Japanese concerts (mixed in with some documentary-style footage of the off-stage portion of the tour) was released as Images and Words: Live in Tokyo.
Keen to work on fresh material, Dream Theater retreated to the studio in May 1994. The 1994 sessions were the first in which Dream Theater as a whole wrote music together that was specifically for an album.
Awake, Dream Theater's third studio album, was released in October 1994 in a hail of controversy among established fans. Shortly before the album was mixed, Moore announced to the rest of the band that he wished to concentrate on his own musical interests and would be quitting Dream Theater. This rocked a band that had enjoyed just two years of stability after a tumultuous first half-decade, but Moore was no longer interested in the life of a touring musician nor the brand of progressive metal Dream Theater performed, so the two parties went their separate ways.
As a result of that news, the band had to scramble to find a replacement keyboardist instead of jumping head-first into touring mode.
Jordan Rudess, an up-and-coming keyboardist who was relatively unknown to that point, was invited to play a trial performance with Dream Theater in the hopes that he would join the band. The gig went well, but Rudess decided to join The Dixie Dregs as a touring member instead of Dream Theater, and Derek Sherinian was brought on as a hired-gun instead. By the conclusion of the Awake promotional tour, Sherinian was Dream Theater's full-time keyboardist.
1995 - 1998
After a petition from fans to EastWest Records, the group recorded their previously unreleased song "A Change of Seasons" and distributed it as an EP with a collection of live cover tracks. After a short run of small "one-off" concerts to promote the EP, Dream Theater entered the studio once more to write their next album.
In all, almost two CDs worth of material was written including a 20 minute long follow-up to the Images and Words song "Metropolis Part 1: The Miracle and the Sleeper". The label, however, did not allow the release of a double album because they felt that a 140-minute record would not be digestible by the general public, so half the songs had to be cut.
In addition to, and as a function of, pressuring the band into adopting a more mainstream sound, EastWest recruited writer/producer Desmond Child to work with Petrucci on re-writing the lyrics to his demo "You Or Me". The whole band substantially reworked the music to that song, and it appeared on the album as "You Not Me" in a form that was barely reminiscent of the original.
The material that made it onto the album proper was released as Falling Into Infinity, which received a mixed reception from traditional Dream Theater fans. Despite the album containing some very progressive-sounding songs, tracks like "Hollow Years" and "You Not Me" prompted some to believe it was the dawn of a new, mainstream-sounding Dream Theater, just as the release of Empire had previously heralded the same shift for Queensrÿche. The album was both a critical and commercial disappointment.
In recent years, the album has been rehabilitated to an extent, and interest was rekindled when Portnoy indicated that the unused songs - including more traditionally progressive cuts such as "Raise the Knife" - would be released through Portnoy's YtseJam Records.
During the European leg of the Falling Into Infinity world tour, two shows were recorded for a live album entitled Once In A LIVEtime, in France and The Netherlands. The album was released at around the same time as the video 5 Years in a LIVEtime, which chronicled the time from when Kevin Moore left the band right up to the Falling Into Infinity promotional tour.
In 1997, Magna Carta Records' Mike Varney invited Portnoy to assemble a progressive 'supergroup' to work on an album, which would become the first in a long string of side-projects for the members of Dream Theater. The lineup that was eventually settled on consisted of Portnoy on drums, Petrucci on guitar, Tony Levin of King Crimson on bass, and Jordan Rudess, who had finished with the Dixie Dregs by that time, on keyboards. The band assumed the name Liquid Tension Experiment, and would act as a medium through which Portnoy and Petrucci could once again court Rudess to join them in Dream Theater. They extended an invitation for him to join them in 1999, and he accepted the offer to become the third full-time Dream Theater keyboardist. Unfortunately for Sherinian, this meant that he was out of a job.
1999 onward
The cover of Metropolis, Pt. 2: Scenes From A MemoryArmed with yet another new member, Dream Theater entered BearTracks Studio once again to write and record their next album. Perhaps as a response to the backlash over Falling Into Infinity, this time their record label gave the band complete freedom with their music. The follow-up to "Metropolis Part 1" off Images and Words, which was written during the Falling Into Infinity sessions (but not used on that album), was taken off the shelf as the first composition for them to work on.
They decided to expand the 20-minute song into a complete concept album, with the story revolving around themes such as reincarnation, murder and betrayal. To avoid stirring up the fan base, a tight veil of secrecy enveloped the writing and recording process. The only things fans knew prior to its release were a tracklist that had been leaked against the band's wishes, and a release date. They knew nothing of the title, the music, or even the fact that it would be a concept album.
In 1999, Metropolis, Pt. 2: Scenes From a Memory was released to high critical acclaim. It was hailed as Dream Theater's masterpiece by many fans and critics alike, despite only reaching #73 on the charts.
A massive world tour followed, taking over a year to complete and visiting more countries than they had ever toured before.
For one extra special show, at the Roseland Ballroom in New York City, actors were hired to play characters in the story, and a gospel choir was enlisted to perform in some sections of the show. One actor played the part of the hypnotherapist, and gospel singer Theresa Thomason sang the part of the female main character, Victoria.
This show, the last North American date of the tour, was recorded for the band's first DVD release. After many technical delays, Dream Theater fans finally got their hands on the DVD, entitled Metropolis 2000, in early 2001. Shortly after its release, the band announced that an audio version of the concert, with the entire four-hour long setlist (most of which had to be cut from the DVD to save space), would be released shortly thereafter.
The covers of Live at the Marquee and Live Scenes From New York, notice the silhouette of the World Trade Center within the flames on the rightThe cover for the CD version of the concert, titled Live Scenes From New York, showed one of Dream Theater's early logos (the Images And Words-era burning heart, modelled on the Sacred Heart) modified to show an apple (as in Big Apple) instead of the heart, and the New York skyline, including the twin towers of the World Trade Center, in the flame above it. In an unfortunate coincidence, the album was released on the same date as the September 11, 2001 attacks on the U.S. The album was immediately recalled, but many copies were snapped up by Dream Theater collectors as a very rare piece of Dream Theater's history. It was re-released with revised artwork a short time later.
Dream Theater once again entered BearTracks Studios to record their sixth studio album. Four years after they first petitioned EastWest to allow them to release a double album, they finally got their chance with Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence. The first disc consisted of five tracks of 5-13 minutes in length, and the second disc was devoted entirely to the 42-minute title track, which is to date the longest song Dream Theater have written.
Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence ended up being received very well by critics and the press. It was the most publicized of Dream Theater's albums since Awake, debuting on the Billboard charts at #46 and the Billboard Internet charts at #1.
Throughout the next year and a half they toured the world once more, with an expanded live show including a select few special "album cover" gigs, in which they played Metallica's Master of Puppets and Iron Maiden's The Number of the Beast in their entirety.
At the completion of their promotional tour and a short break, Dream Theater entered the studio to write and record what would become Train of Thought, their heaviest album to that point. The album was a critical success, but it had a polarizing effect, alienating a fair proportion of Dream Theater's fans who enjoyed the traditional progressive rock influence from bands such as Yes or King Crimson more than Dream Theater's modern muses like Tool and Metallica. Regardless, it expanded the band's fan base into new territory, that of mainstream heavy metal and nu-metal.
Their next move was to release another live CD/DVD combination, this time recorded at the famous Nippon Budokan Hall in Tokyo, Japan on their Train of Thought world tour. Live at Budokan was released on 5 October 2004, and further propelled Dream Theater's reputation as one of the premier live acts in progressive metal.
Upon the completion of their Train of Thought promotional tour, Dream Theater entered the Hit Factory studios in NYC to record their eighth album. As it turned out, they would be the last group ever to record in that famous studio, and after they wrapped up their final session, the lights were turned off at the studio forever.
The new album, Octavarium, was released on 7 June 2005 and took the band's sound in yet another new direction. Among its 8 songs is a continuation of Portnoy's Alcoholics Anonymous suite (steps 6-7 in the 12-step plan), and an epic rivalling A Change of Seasons and covering several musical styles in its 24-minute running time. The album has caused much controversy among fans, some thinking that the band wore its influences too prominently on their sleeves, eg. Never Enough has been compared to Muse's Stockholm Syndrome, and the relatively radio-friendly I Walk Beside You to the trademark sound of U2 blended with Chicago's Peter Cetera. The album is the last under their seven album deal with Elektra Records. Their plans for the future are currently unknown, although it likely includes slapping together a few sophomoric rifts in a three week period -- the same amount of time the band states they spent writing "Train of Thought."
Bulutangkis Sumbang Lima Emas
Pebulutangkis tunggal putra Indonesia, Simon Santoso, saat melawan pebulutangkis tunggal putra Malaysia, Daren Liew, pada pertandingan bulutangkis beregu putra SEA Games 26 di Istora Senayan, Jakarta Pusat, Selasa (15/11/2011). Simon mengalahkan Daren dua set langsung.
Anneke-Nitya Rebut Emas Ganda Putri
Pebulutangkis ganda putri Indonesia, Agustine Anneke Feinya dan Maheswari Nitya Krisinda, melawan pasangan ganda Thailand, Aroonkesorn Duanganong dan Voravichitchaekul Kunchala, pada pertandingan bulutangkis putri SEA Games 26 di Istora Senayan, Jakarta Pusat, Senin (14/11/2011). Agustine dan Maheswari mengalahkan pasangan Thailand dua set langsung.
Kalahkan Hendra-Kido, Bona-Ahsan Sumbang Emas
Pasangan ganda putra Indonesia, Bona Septano-Mohammad Ahsan, berhasil menyumbangkan medali emas untuk Indonesia, setelah menumbangkan seniornya, Markis Kido-Hendra Setiawan, dalam final bulutangkis ganda putra SEA Games XXVI yang berlangsung di Istora Senayan Jakarta, Sabtu (19/11/2011).
Pada game pertama, Bona-Ahsan berhasil menang tipis 25-23 setelah bermain panjang dan terjadi susul menyusul angka. Sebenarnya Markis-Hendra mampu mencuri dua poin lebih awal. Tetapi setelah itu terjadi kejar mengejar angka dengan hanya selalu terpaut satu poin. Sampai pertengahan game kedudukan 11-10.
Sampai akhirnya terjadi perpanjangan game, rebutan angka terus terjadi, sehingga beberapa kali baik Hendra-Kido mau[un Bona-Ahsan menyamakan kedudukan. Tetapi akhirnya pertandingan panjang tersebut diakhiri dengan skor 25-23.
Game e dua, Bona-Ahsan tidak terlalu sulit menumbangkan Hendra-Kido. Pasangan tersebut langsung melesat perolehan angkanya sejak awal game. Sampai pada pertengahan game kedua Bona-Ahsan mampu unggul empat poin 11-7.
Setelah itu perolehan angkanya pun terus melaju tanpa memberikan sedikit ruang terhada Markis-Herndra menyalip perolehan angka. Game kedua diakhiri dengan mudah Bona-Ahsan dengan skor 21-10.
Dengan kemenangan tersebut, Bona-Ahsan berhak atas medali emas, sementara Markis Kido-Hendra Setiawan harus puas dengan medali perak.
Sementara Patiphat Chaalardchalaem-Nipitphon Phuangphuapet asal Thailand berhak atas medali perenggu setelah disemi final dikalahkan pasangan Mohammad Ahsan-Bona Septano.
Kemudian medali perunggu ke dua didapatkan V Shem Goh-Khim Wah Lim asal Malaysia yang ditumbangkan Markis Kido-Hendra Setiawan di babak semifinal.Dukung Tim U-23
Dukung Timnas U-23 vs Malaysia pada putaran final seagames
Kehebohan rakyat indonesia terhadap pertemuan antaraTimnas U-23 vs Malaysia pada putaran Final yang akan berlangsung 21/11 di SUGBK mengalahkan segala topik hangat lainya di negri ini.
Forum-forum dan jejaring sosial tak henti-hentinya membahas tentang prediksi siapa yang menang, siapa pemain terbaik dan ramalan berapa skor akhir.
Tua muda, cowok atau cewek yang biasanya update status facebook lebih mengeksploitasi perasaan, sekarang berubah. Sejak Timnas U-23 masuk putaran final, status user facebook hampir 75 persen menuliskan kecintaan dan mendukung Timnas U-23.
Televisi yang biasanya heboh dengan dunia politik, sekarang tidak mendapat tempat di hati pemirsa. Channel langsung dialihkan keliputan yang membahas Timnas U-23.
Dimana-mana rakyat Indonesia membicarakan partai final Timnas U-23 lawan Malaysia yang akan berlangsung pukul 19:00 WIB malam nanti.
Semoga Garuda Muda ( Timnas U-23 ) menang lawan malaysia pada putaran final Seagames 2011. Amin.
Tibo yakin Menang Hadapi Vietnam
Tibo Yakin Menang Karena Pengalaman Hadapi Klub Vietnam
Bola.net - Semifinal melawan Vietnam di Stadion Utama Gelora Bung Karno (SUGBK), Senayan, Jakarta, Sabtu (19/11) Pukul 19.00 WIB, akan jadi pertaruhan bagi Timnas Indonesia U-23. Kewaspadaan tinggi pun diusung skuad Timnas Indonesia U-23. Apalagi, Vietnam lolos ke semifinal dengan status juara grup.
Namun Rahmad juga diuntungkan dengan memiliki para pemain yang memiliki motivasi tinggi dan pengalaman pernah bertemu tim asal Vietnam.
Misalnya saja, Titus Bonai, striker Persipura Jayapura yang mengaku sudah tahu kekuatan beberapa pemain Vietnam. Terutama yang berasal dari klub Song Lam Nghe Anh (SLNA). Maklum, SLNA pernah jadi lawan Persipura di babak 16 besar Piala AFC 2011.
"Saya yakin kami mampu mengalahkan Vietnam," tegas striker Persipura tersebut.
Sementara itu nada optimis juga dilontarkan pemain lainnya. Patrich Wanggai yang tidak diturunkan Rahmad Darmawan pada pertandingan melawan Malaysia kemarin berharap bisa mencetak gol ke gawang Vietnam sedangkan kapten Egi siap untuk bermain habis-habisan.
"Saya sangat siap bermain. Tidak ada rasa takut dan semoga saya bisa mencetak gol," kata penyerang Timnas Indonesia U-23, Patrick Wanggai.
"Kekalahan dari Malaysia tidak berbuntut panjang. Kami siap tampil habis-habisan di lapangan," janji Egi Melgiansyah, gelandang sekaligus kapten Timnas Indonesia U-23.
Namun Rahmad juga diuntungkan dengan memiliki para pemain yang memiliki motivasi tinggi dan pengalaman pernah bertemu tim asal Vietnam.
Misalnya saja, Titus Bonai, striker Persipura Jayapura yang mengaku sudah tahu kekuatan beberapa pemain Vietnam. Terutama yang berasal dari klub Song Lam Nghe Anh (SLNA). Maklum, SLNA pernah jadi lawan Persipura di babak 16 besar Piala AFC 2011.
"Saya yakin kami mampu mengalahkan Vietnam," tegas striker Persipura tersebut.
Sementara itu nada optimis juga dilontarkan pemain lainnya. Patrich Wanggai yang tidak diturunkan Rahmad Darmawan pada pertandingan melawan Malaysia kemarin berharap bisa mencetak gol ke gawang Vietnam sedangkan kapten Egi siap untuk bermain habis-habisan.
"Saya sangat siap bermain. Tidak ada rasa takut dan semoga saya bisa mencetak gol," kata penyerang Timnas Indonesia U-23, Patrick Wanggai.
"Kekalahan dari Malaysia tidak berbuntut panjang. Kami siap tampil habis-habisan di lapangan," janji Egi Melgiansyah, gelandang sekaligus kapten Timnas Indonesia U-23.
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